The Mission of the Fusion Series Performances

The Fusion Performances have the mission to inspire students to discover the jewels in the life around them that would foster their artistic creativity and will give new meaning and value to places and situations from their surroundings.


This is a series of concerts to be presented in high school, featuring a Photography Exhibit, as well as inspired chamber music selections. Each event will consist of a 15-minute photography projection/lecture, a short chamber music performance with the composer in attendance, and a short workshop on how to get inspired by sounds and how to translate them into music.


What to Expect

Here is a short description of how a visit in your school would go, and the few things we are trying to achieve:

  • The length of the program will be approximately 45 min–1 hour
  • We would have a screen and a projector
  • The photographer would show their works in combination with some photographs from your city. (15–20 min)
  • The composer would talk about composition (20 min)
  • The composer would talk to the students about a few techniques they might use to produce sounds from their environment: rain, wind, a truck going by etc. (10–25 min)
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